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Fellowships and Bible Study

Children and Youth Ministries

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Living Water Fellowship​


We are a fellowship for ages 4-12 that is geared towards ministering to our Chinese School families. We enjoy outdoor play time, praise, Bible stories, games, and arts & crafts.


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Thirst 64 Fellowship
/Jr. High


Middle School Fellowship is focused on the faithfulness of God and discovering our identity in Christ.


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Serendipity Fellowship

/High School


Friday Night Fellowship is an opportunity for Middle School and High School students from around the community to join together in a loving community centered in Christ, rooted in God's Word, and filled with food, praise, and prayer!



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Young Adults Fellowship


"Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith— that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, that by any means possible I may attain the resurrection from the dead."

Philippians 3:8-11


English ministries


Wednesday Bible Class​


The Wednesday Bible Class is a group of mostly retired Christians who come together to (1) study God's Word, (2) pray for each other. 



CHINESE ministries

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Young Couple


We're a group of young families with young children ages 8 and under.  meet every second Saturday of the month. We have Bible Study or parenting topics from Paster Woo during fellowship time. 

Life Fellowship


We are Cantonese speaking fellowship for working group. We have Bible study and message from Paster Woo each month. Our diversified programs are designed for both spiritual and relationship growth. Throught creative games and interactive program to enhance bonding with brothers and sisters. If you are interested in knowing more about Christ, you are very welcome to visit our fellowship on each Friday night at 7:30pm at Council room.


Grace Fellowship


We welcome seniors to join us.


What we do:

dinner sharing, songs sharing, Bible study, and prayer time.

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Light Fellowship


Light Fellowship is a Cantonese speaking fellowship that consists of families with children (ranging from elementary age to young adult). Childcare is provided. We welcome anyone who wants to know more about God or is interested in studying God's Word and growing together in Christ's love.



Agape Fellowship


In Agape fellowship, through studying Bible, we practice the Lord's love, help brothers and sisters grow spiritually, and also help unbelievers and friends to know

the Lord Jesus Christ.



Joy Fellowship


Joy fellowship was established in 2017. It is a group of energetic elders who enjoy fellowship life through sharing, communication, study, and fun activities. We also hope to share and interact with preschool's grandparents.




Bible Study Fellowship


We study God’s Word together and support each other. We welcome all ages to join us.



Outreach Dancing


We mix Zumba, Stretching and Gospel sharing into ONE. All ladies who are capable of strenuous exercises and understand Cantonese are welcome to join us!


Every Friday

7:30 pm

Parish Hall

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